Jessie Marie Studio created a logo for Buffalo Grove Park District to unify its athletics offerings within the park district. The challenge was to keep the new logo and branding within the parent brand of the Buffalo Grove Park District. The final outcome needed to look like a child of the parent brand, not a second cousin; therefore, we utilized the park districts already defined brand colors during the design process.

“This project enabled us to create a brand for all of our athletic leagues under the umbrella of the Park District. With the amount of competition with area leagues, YMCA, School, private programs we can be identified as a first choice for athletic play and our community does not need to look any further than their own Park District.”
– Greg N.

Buffalo Grove Park District opened a webstore on SquadLocker where participants can go and buy apparel. While working with the vendor it was advised to offer an embroidery friendly logo option so Buffalo Grove Park District would be readable. This revision is a great example of how you may need to think through how your logo will be used and then adjusting the art to showcase your brand in the best light.

Respect the Creative Process
We started this project in January 2016. The new logo was launched to the public for the 2019 spring soccer season. During the lengthy creative process, the client stated, “You always put us first, with our thoughts, many, many changes. You were considerate of our budget and dedicated to a very long process.”
It is beyond rewarding to have held on for the long haul to find the best result for the project needs. Below are some of the unused options that were on the table.

Project completed on 11/06/2018